Monday, December 18, 2017

Three Generations of Floods

many perished under the waters of God passing yesterday unto today and from one unto the other wisdom that’s given from man and it’s survival captured together during the great flood that split the Tree of Life from three generations, north, south and east. two remain hidden and one was seen standing upright, reaching out for the man and his wives that climbed over him to the highest parts of the tree reached for all to survive. now the ant who is the wife and servant of this man for forty nights giving up her children and sisters for all to survive. but the man knew truth and feared a terrible death will come soon. so he offers his life for wisdom to continue on during a cycle of life. when hearing the heart of this man the ants dug deeply into this log and covered the man inside keeping him warm and dry until every egg of his own was hatched and flown away. while he awakened the man become the seed of wisdom that stayed beside the queen and reigned 40 days in the wilderness beside Abraham’s Kingdom.

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