Monday, January 1, 2018

Hope Opens Two Hanging Gardens

the Lilly of June is the walk beside Her brother, Chris Kringle giving the of walk of two over the rainbow; four two returns put into a basket that ponds upon the tightly knit of wool bringing forth thundering flowing up and down guarded thoughts twisting four two under the winds that floated upon heavens breath retaken. thinking that each day would float on. and the drums began to speak “take up your hands and feel your heart singing.” and two turned before every eye was seen, one carried on from each others hand taken, through the first loved and before the winter rains open i stopped to know you from the winds of  thought between the duality that keeps of warm all the days and nights long filled for the likeness of two fish given for under and out each young sister.beside two leviathans that return under the roots of  her cherry blossom trees growing.

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