Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The O' Goodies

  1. Athenic ​I was a Christian and now i am a Buddhist; how did i become a Muslim?
  2. Athenic​ when the light of God darkens in you be prepared to pay your bill.
  3. Athenic I​ turned into reptilian two days ago i looked at myself and i started shape shifting and every time i got to woman i thought to myself wow i look good and then i changed back to myself and then started shedding.
  4. Athenic​ If would lose my soul but gain the world... Hmm! if that is so then Heaven on Earth is already mine? oh yeah i forgot about them Christians with their loop to loop hole doctrine.​what else does one need; if they would only believe in God they will be saved for that day when God returns. now i just been told that the MEEK are inheriting my earth.
  5. Athenic there was a man who opened a book and then opened a reason to open the book. for the better of the two will become the same unto one if the other is done.
  6. Athenic if the world was round it must be flat by now with all this shaken going on.

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