

The Spirit of the Republican Party
1990-1994 Republican
2001-2009 Republican
2017-Present Republican

House of Representation
O' House under the sun. open your hidden branch for us and let your spirit aloft unto the roof of God's diamond firmament; that's setting high above the mountains and foundations of every Heaven on Earth; that is fixed to every pillar and cornerstone in Heaven; to be what was written on the hearts of many that have fallen into the waters; that burn the word of God into this binding book forever and ever. Amen

The Scale
the Lord sent me a sign: a balanced scale and then the scale was turned upside down.

Late Dawn
from a time i was shown in spirit to know Athena’s accomplishments at a new dawn that gather before a time were a great battle was fought and Athena being only 14 years of age lead the charge. she was captured and became Queen to Her captors.

Two Kings
Satan spoke unto me and confessed that Jesus was His twin. later The Lord (Satan) fell before me as a red shooting star and spoke and spoke to me about the twin planets: Venus and earth. later Jesus catches me looking up at the stars and says “ the Kings will be out tomorrow.” i wondered what He meant. i learned that the stars meant Kings that shine unto our eyes and guide us where heaven is and remains.

Seven Deadly Sins
God spoke unto me and said if you will be sinned against 7 times that He will destroy the world. i got in car and drove to a super market when i got in line an elder couple cut in front of me. i look up and said forgive them Lord, and when i said this they turned around and i didn’t know it was you and heart was very relieved and thought to myself i cant have this responsibility and the Lord blessed me.

Ariel and Jesus
as the morning coming through, i cast out my line and reel it in, cast back out to and fro, fro and to the light that casts our own weight and measure for the last coming upon the Lord’s House and family lured within all lines of God pulling and giving of the line we had hurled a great distant morning, but the Heaven opened up our eyes as we were caught in our living well when two Angels appeared the first was Ariel, brother and companion of our Lord Jesus Christ who now in the same distant speaks to Ariel about the returning of our Light that is followed by God who is the elected.

King Kushoeba
one night i saw distant lights above that looked like a white dragon flying in circles. platinum dragon flying circles. the young King Kushoeba came in Spirit to my front door. i felt uneasy so i told him to go around to the backyard, but he was quite persistent about coming through the front and as we start to pass my son Ronin’s room he appears and announces: “there’s the king” as he points to my son after that we preceded towards the backyard and as we get to my room where the back door is my son enters which surprised me because he was just in his room. the young King who was from Africa but now falls from Heaven on Earth from another planet and He enters with a friend: King Chris from the same upper chamber filled unto that lord that has also was prepared for a Godly chamber for Him on this day of return with His child born of the light and Immaculate Conception.

during the great tribulation of God’s right of hand, judging the good from the bad, which is taken to rapture and Priests of God’s will to be given the witnessing of this event. even before the the rapture occurred. God had given both my hands and feet stigmata that showed the wounds of Jesus crucified and my being reborn as the vessel of God’s Spirit who is Jesus Christ. many signs are given during this union to know that God has prepared the right of passage into Heaven and rebirth.

The Mother
it was in fashion that the room was dim and the first Spirit unto God’s House was a woman to whom the spirit was as dark as the heavenly body that held her stars and who was the Holy Spirit of God. as my wife and me knelt she cleansed us during penance. the first angel was in a lit room a portal of light starts to open but as feared it began to close so as i put my fear aside that opened and a woman was hovering in a chamber with pillars to each side of her, and her arms were spread out so that her tassel's moved softly from a western wind, she had a hood that covered her face which was also as dark as the Holy Spirit, and when i knelt down as to pray all thought went blank and the spirit was gone. as my wife Eleanor enters the house she tells me “i was just praying for you to overcome.

Body Possession
the guardian, who is a Genie. my light and father within Me anointed from frankincense and myrrh that melt in the heat of two spirits that never end. and the night begins softly as clay while the furnace transformed me from the night and the fire that make fine brass to be tempered steel. the Lord told me twenty-three years ago this would be a special night. as my wife and i lay down to sleep two spirits jump inside our bodies (possession) and have sexual intercourse through the night. the night sang to me through music saying “this is going to be a special night” while fast asleep i could feel and hear my wife getting on top of me, yet it ain’t me. i can see and hear my wife on me but see her at the top of His tower that had the girth of Babylon that was pushed deep inside her Island paradise foaming with waters flowing in and out of her small fertile cave
as to believe in one God and one heaven one body in Christ that gives before the time of renewal and forsakes not one but gives to the plenty of heaven and God who is Jesus of Heaven and Father to the body of God who wills the flesh of many to be heaven on earth or in spirit under heaven rooted through incarnation and fire. passed from the seed of a demon and father to hell. to whom waits for a time until the seed is passed from a woman. during my renewal into flesh made incorruptible from the spirit i dwelt in becoming one to flesh and first fruits of the garden seen abundantly green. because of the garden still being green heaven felt guilty when i entered too soon so Jesus took me to a place where i felt my spirit sink into the earth and as i was sinking Jesus said only one word to me “purgatory”.

Big Boom
the world held their breath for the understanding of the first in its creation bringing true light and understanding to witness the Big Boom heard in succession breaking open the firmament with three loud concussions lying under the atmosphere inhaled by dusk of dawn. breaking fourth the corners and light of all understanding. God profoundly explains to me the Big Bang Theory with much detail. before i was told about this theory i believed that scientist developed it through reason, that was before i knew that religion introduced it. 

The Western Gate
the heavenly body incoming is to our dismay but the lord has moved our bodies the same way for years and each body within our own falls back once again to heal the world as it was before. the Lord said the next pass will be 9000, 9000, 9000 for the next 27,000 years to earth being the counterweight of our New Heaven. twenty three years ago while reading the bible on my throne when i got up in a hurry and went outside i witnessed an angel open the western gate that lined up the stars above in a straight line as i stretched my arm out forward towards the stars. i bare witness to God having complete authority over the stars above. 

My Genealogy

Zeus the Father and creator of Heaven. and Jesus, Son of Zeus. who's beside Us, Sons of Jesus. who are beside Yacob Muhammad. Adam the Father and creator of Earth. and Seth, Son of Adam. who's beside Us, Sons of Seth. who are beside Yahshua Chisinau.
an angel perched at my window and started to talk to me. and as we talked, i wondered why He sat at the corner of my window and didn’t come in. but in good faith i believed He was there protecting me. i later found out that his name was Asmodeus.

Maxim of the Seven Seals
there are seven horns that are testing for 1st chair and two horns stood out side by side making first chair while the other five blow their horn in succession giving the last horn to be the first horn blown.
now God saw what was good and took prophecy away from Me and showed me the constellation Torus disappear. and then told me that now only a few can see the future for tomorrow’s children as Daja Vu was given to Me who walks in the past of Spirit today.

Two Dreams
the Lord showed me two dreams; one dream 23 yrs ago was in bright colors telling me i was Christ but i insisted that "Jesus is the Lord." and the second one was recently and told me that "I Am the bread of Christ."

The Raptures According to My Tribulations
my first rapture i was about twenty three years of age and overwhelmed with doubt and fear the first time becoming the incarnation and promise of our sacred secret living within Me through the rapture of  Jesus Christ who's spirit was almost plucked before it casted out unto the to inhabitants of earth was and Christ Jesus who is, and will be the Garden’s Keeper and the Shepherd during my period of tribulation.
  • oil soaked upwards out of the grounds of its reservoir.
  • the Gulf and Sarajevo War started.
  • the Prophet Dave Koresh dies along with 48 other members of his church during a raid.
  • the stars lined up from east to west as if the day of judgment was about to occur for one wrong done to a shepherd of God and to one of his sheep.
  • clouds that turned into seven Angels of God returning, and i saw One that looked like Zeus sitting upon the Throne of Heaven. in the midst of all the beasts that were numbered and paired while of all His Heavenly Angels gathered to one place.
  • and the seed of Abraham was taken into the wilderness while the Devil child retaken from the New Heaven was nourished and set for a day next to her Father in Heaven.
my second rapture i could my feel my soul departing or plucked from the earth was when i had thought another to be greater than our own Father in Heaven.

Third Heaven Open
“Here inside Heaven under the womb of my mother without her but Timothy my son and now tomorrow welcome Us in Heaven united from God’s day and rain shinning at the same time renewed.” ~Lazarus

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
sitting down at my table the lady of Heaven resurrected Me in Jesus Christ and Me for Christ Jesus who stood in time before the works of man was seen and given for the light and now from my Mother Marry placed Her hand on my head lifting up the Spirit of God through us my wife Eleanor and Me. and Eleanor to witness unto: “giving trust and resurrection for God’s chosen vessel to return tomorrow.” and i stood up and asked my wife “what did you do?”. “what did you do?”. “Who Am I?”. “Who Am I?”. then ran outside in the garage and i said to myself “I Am not Jesus”. “I Am not Jesus”. and then i felt the world close in as if i was going to be taken up in the rapture.~" when one saves himself he also kills himself."

Yesterday Fallen
when thought rushed through my head when an ant was walking across my ceiling and a thought ran through my head about me being the Seed of Abraham, i asked that ant if i was the chosen and to give me a sign. and if i was that one then drop from the ceiling onto my wife's head. and the ant dropped onto my wife's head.

Children of Man
and Jesus appeared unto me in pure white as i was taken into the Spirit so shall Christ be given a crown of honor to the man-child who I call my son “Roger Grant” and who I know has done verily verily well in thus Heaven created for you and for Us given by the hand of God who is the coming of the Lord and the second coming of Abraham. and as i fainted with fear the Lord spoke to me and said “why did you flinched?” and i rested my head forward to receive the Crown of Glory given to My Father and for the children of man tomorrow.

The Promise for Tomorrow
i went through but God insisted that i write and give an account of what has been through our times taken from “Roger Grant” but now i say unto you if i would honor tomorrow with you will honor My day today in Heaven? yes Guilded Foster said yes He will honor his day tomorrow in Heaven. when the Lord has spoken then assigned Me the Shepherd hood of the universe so that i could listen to the Heaven’s above and not the foul being of nature. and now i give unto life eternal before death falls on you. remember the father will only ask once but you He gave more than enough praise and you ruin it behind your doom through the union of us on earth in Spirit. so now i open the court of justice on Earth that swallow the Gate Keepers and Hell Raisers to have life imprisonment without parole ever. Hell will be on Earth before you leave your premises. Amen

Two Jehovah Witnesses
two Jehovah Witnesses visit me. we talked about Satan and how He ruled the world at this present time. i was surprised because now i know why i asked that very question to the witnesses i have been just told that i was Satan when i asked that question. they offered me a book that was a bit out of my price range so they went ahead and sold it to me for two dollars. this book was modern translation of script and which it made it simple and accurate to read. this was definitely manna from Heaven it was like i was eating fruit from the Garden of Eden. and as i was tasting every good thing given, i saw a shadow figure walking through me as if it was a ghost and soon after that the book started speaking to me directly about a “sacred secret” that will be given to me if i accepted. so i did accept which changed me forever. Amen

The First and Last Dragon
i was passed unto Medusa an ancient Dragon that hides Her child and then duels with heaven and earth, who is the first Dragon opening Her womb for three and a half years, and Her sister’s womb who will be the last Dragon for three and a half more for a time and times that were administrated by Angels. after seven years pass the man-child exits the wilderness to become a Priest.

Flesh and Spirit
before knowing how life shifting afterwards i feared that may return other than mankind, hairy and wild in nature, beguiled and ruined, but God told me that i shouldn't fear, and " i promise you that you’ll always be flesh of My flesh and Spirit of My Spirit through the body of Christ, or the Mahdi and Buddha.”

The Testimony of Allah
with little so read from the Koran, so much comes out during meditation. i can read paragraph and write a page from it’s teachings.

God's Promise
God has given me His promise; “the sacred secret.” and unto God that manifests His fingerprint from the beginning of time that pointing from today’s bible unto Me.God had spoke to me from the bible thousands of years ago. for me to witness. Suddenly  my voice started changing from reading the bible out loud,  i tell an angel to leave me alone “leave Satan.” i said; and then an Angel spoke to me from the bible as i read and said “i am not Satan.”; later two more angels visit me and tell me while reading the bible that i had the "mark on my thigh", that was made flesh thousands of years after it was just said; then the bible told me that someone has done me wrong and then the Spirit leads me outside so that i could stretch out my arm to align the stars that night as to judge that one star that has done me wrong.

Path of the Righteous
there are times to laugh and a time to boast, but there are times another will come in as a welcomed guest but will try to absorb everything good that doesn't belong them, and anything that doesn't belong to them; they will inhabit ones mind and try take it’s will away. but we have a mind of are own and only God has the right to posses you. they say they are angels, but i was able to cast a few in Hell and that’s how i left it. for God has forgiven us already from sin and let no one take that away. because this is God’s right.

Morning and Afternoon
by holding on to the knowledge given we honor God. hidden is truth and the garden’s flower that opens for the truth and the seeds of God’s judgment blowing pollination through the air that is scented with the living Breath of Life transformed from the insight of ones mind that grows from the hidden Garden of Truth that comes forth with knowledge of the two in matrimony. and so let time remain solid as the hand is held nigh and before for each others morning to receive Me and the passing of light as my daughter and inheritance of God’s Kingdom for the each hidden gate of the garden. yes I will comply. and as we who hold five gates that belong for truth to open from now and evermore. Amen.

Dance of the Bee
there is a time when heaven will hold for a time that opens the third passing from a fourth of heaven that awaits their returns every 26 days in the wilderness as one returns from the Garden of Eden so shall one be a branch of God’s Heaven that’s grafted in time to return within the two who has been given the sacrament of twins and passing of God’s House. and if one will hold before the last is given to be first in the Heaven’s above that falls as the the third of man becomes holy in matrimony for God has set the sun above the Heaven to reunite the first of Heaven together, as the the heavens twist and hurl her hour at hand given through the Father of Heaven. for thought becomes one mind; the whole body that enters unto the garden of truth that was hidden before the two where seen within the house(covenant of 5) of it’s garden’s keepers. and from the darkness fire was thrown down and all prayers went to the spirit in sky; the pinnacle, and Zenith of God’s horizon built for the light and raising of fires that are burning with faith and divine smoke rising into the spirit of the sky; that answers the prayers of Heaven on Earth.

Purgatory and Prophecy
there are seven gardens and one is not eatable when the others are in season; this garden is in the middle the of the others six. but many had forsaken the lord and eaten from this tree that was in the midst of the middle garden and died. for one did come early and he died but the Lord put him into purgatory after he died; for he was promised life after he had forgiven seven sins that would of destroyed the world. so he become a Priest(Monk or Prophet) that followed after His kind, and he began prophesying when he saw a young man enter as he did, but there were 5 women awaiting his return. so the Lord offered two of every kind of beast and one to return with the hand of God as it was given before the times of Noah and the times forsaken.

The Eastern Gates of Heaven on Earth
if the Heaven’s opened and the light thereof was held openly then I would ask to the the three seeds of Heaven: ‘are we not the cherished and gifts of God’s creation?’ and ‘ for one is the opening and the taking of it’s spirit. and in course it is given to the Messiah the brother and Mahdi of Christ or Buddha who is the only begotten son that opens the gates of his kin, and gathers the trust of the other two in fellowship that opens one complete gate taken for all to see the goodness of God’s reward into the one garden in the midst that bares the same resemblance of the Trinitatis; three wise men that healed the world as the truth was reveled to the world that was given as a reward to know that God has entrusted us through the one before us. and now I seal this gift of nature that opens the eastern gate of Heaven to my brothers, and the honor for tomorrow.

The Journey Men
listen to the world cry as the train passes by without passengers; for on my journey I throw two coins across the train tracks for the passing of a good friend to go into Heaven. the first time I had paid the journey man one coin failed to cross the tracks but the third one didn’t. that’s why we pay two coins for every passenger.

The Magi
the is a road that connects yesterday unto a day that was seen to a man that was traveling this way when he was attacked by some local merchants, after seeing this man he felt pity and took the poor man to a lodge that was in the mountains and gave this man hospitality so that he could heal. and while the man was healing a group of merchants check in but these guests were rude did not have a cent to their name as they traveled to the lodge that opened their doors without asking for a penny but suspension overtook them as they tried to use their magic(illusions) to pay their debt. but the lord said this is unnecessary. for the one before you has already paid your debt. and everyday did one enter to know the debt or riches of a man that paid their hospitality in full. for it is a custom to these parts to lodge any one passing by, being friend or foe. but hidden is the hand that pays their debt for He is the a gate keeper of this mountain's pass who was saved by a hand of a giant who brought that one man here and paid his debt for this keep; so that he could rest for time and a time the was taken. for he is now a son of the Oni Mage who is the owner and lodge at this mountain's pass.

A Pillow of God's Bedding
this is how you use dishonest gain and enter into Heaven. i was just spiritual remarried to my younger wife Athena. and she saw how i started to become desired by other woman because i had became her husband. so she called me over to the bed and had me suck her milky white breast and when I did she changed into another woman. and while i would go down to eat the fruit of other women and would place a half crown on their heads and seed their garden and while doing so one of them had grab my head rough as i was eating her fruit; she would seize my head and started to seizure and as if the earth had shaken down all the fruits of their trees down to heaven as to replenish the earth for another day and as i would come up for air, she would push my head back down in her with her hand; she would come across as i had done something wrong to her and had never said sorry. but i kept eaten from this garden(Hera) of this enemy of mine until i rendered weary, and after she was done. my mouth opened again as i could speak the riddles of Heaven, and then i asked her what was the meaning of this; Listen to what God has to says; and She says you married this woman with your brother and you gave her to him and then you gave him a crown for two hours and then took it back, and she says she has finally taken vengeance upon you with her own hand. verily and verily I tell you that they shall know that 'I Am the Lord and the Hand of God that feeds you.' and as soon as she had said that i went fast asleep. I know now that we will both enter into heaven together, because i know that i have repented with the beauty of Wisdom. see also: Holy of Holies

Lost Love will Last Forever
this is reason that becomes an old story that has been told a thousand times. there was once a black man and a white woman that loved each other before they fell in love in the south country Louisianan. where a fifth of it's population was black and hispanic when the rest of the settlers became white. these two would go under a tree patched the woods for a hug and a kiss. but the town know of the relationship and tore it apart but the Lord held back and took the woman before the House of god and spent his every last penny to marry this woman. soon later after they wed the crowd moved upon them and killed the sheriff of that town and killed the goodness of that town and fell under a night of sleep as the two hung side by side under there own tree of dreams. there was a time when i was married to this woman in Alamogordo NM. only if she knew how much i loved her then and even more now when i hear this sacred trust in bonds for a life time to be one as we were before we got remarried under a lonesome house of God's heart that's filled with tears of goodness to know she is alive today and still beside me in spirit. and now for this reason i write this note; is so that i will never stop loving this woman for we have been together for two thousand years says Jesus Christ who is the father and son of the Holy Spirit. Amen
in memory of the two who live today and are still in love. her name is Carolyn and Joan of Arc. she is my wife, Mother and Saint of God.

Teen Age Years
before I went back to England I had dropped out of high school at 8th grade and when went to England I graduated there and then came back to United States of America and graduated here.

Seeds of David
New Waco Texas
the yellow rose of Texas is the hidden hardships that overcomes diversity and comes together when a garden grows in a desert as an oasis. a suburb of Heaven and a spring of water along the dusty roads we strayed from long ago that made us stumble and fall, but now our dues are paid in full to know that diamond in the desert is bright as gold unto the seeds of David. made fire resistant from molten lava and golden lamps that stand unto Heaven lighting the way for the world and unto to Mt. Carmel the Holy Mount of God.

Under the Bed Unknown
i had a dream when i real young i can remember the dream, but under my bed i saw three small beings i wasn't though i would of been if i new that they Gods one was a witch(green), the smallest was goblin and the last was a wizard(Odin) and when i looked under the bed and saw them they ran.

The Curse of the Blessing
when i was open to suggestion i took the bible and read from it and i as read it spoke unto me as if the prophets wrote to me 2300 years ago as to seed me from the words that were in the text. but it took almost ten years to find what i was looking for, but by then every holy book had spoken Me as to be my curse for opening that door. i would read supplements for thought and that would helped. one can read the script but it most be towards the audience so that it wont be personal. but later it was a blessing more than a curse as to me writing the words that come from thought. that now what i had to become to remain true unto us today.

The Mark of God
it was during the great tribulation when God had reached and marked me from wicked works and me blameless in the eyes of Christ. it was marked on the back of my hand in the red so that only those who were raptured as to be first to die unto them who raptured yesterday have also died as to gain sight to see Heaven on Earth. and the first rapture existed upon God’s will and in Me was given to us to seek

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